Completed Theses of M.S. Urban Education Degree Earners

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Jackelyn Doyle

TITLE:  No Longer an Absent Narrative: Implementing Culturally Sustaining Practices in Literacy and Social Studies Integration Through the use of Critical Literacy and Counter Storytelling in the Urban Classroom

ABSTRACT:  Culturally Sustaining Pedagogies (CSP) (Paris & Alim) have transformed beyond a best practice in the classroom to a practice that impacts every aspect of interaction for educators, both in and out of the classroom.  The literacy classroom, in particular, can provide a unique opportunity for students to experience not only windows into the lives and experiences of others but a mirror for reflecting and discussing their own life experiences (Bishop,1990). This fits the framework of CSP being a tool to “reframe curriculum as an activist act, one that centers culturally relevant knowledge and practices for Black and Brown children” (Gardner et al, 2020, p.839).

This literature review analyzes how educators, specifically in the urban elementary setting, implement CSP when integrating literacy and social studies. It utilizes theoretical research and empirical studies in the categories of culturally sustaining pedagogy, critical literacy, critical literacy integrated with social studies and specifically the use of counter-narratives, or stories from perspectives other than that of dominate culture. Through that analysis I found utilizing counter-narratives is a powerful tool for urban youth to critically examine literacy and the world around them. However, teacher perspective and underlying bias still ultimately guide whatever narratives are being taught and must be analyzed just as intentionally.

COMPLETED:  Spring 2021

Author: Urban Teacher Program Manager
Last modified: 1/13/2023 3:40 PM (EDT)