Completed Theses of M.S. Urban Education Degree Earners

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Halat Basheer

TITLE:  What do education futurists predict about the role of the K–12 teachers given changes in technology and increased use of online learning?

ABSTRACT:  Technology is growing faster every day. Imagine the world in twenty years and how technology will become more effective. Education will look nothing like it does now. New tools that are faster and shinier will replace items we once considered cool. We know this will happen because it always happens, and we are constantly replacing our old technology with new technology. Classrooms are filled with new technology like the interactive white board, smart tables, laptops, tablets, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, Skype, social media, video mashups, phones, instant messaging, digital textbooks, cameras, and many more. This sounds very familiar and great, and most schools have this advanced technology, but when we look deeper, do we see any change in the way teachers teach? In this research paper, I will pay close attention to the new role of the teacher given the constant change in technology and online learning. A review of literature will examine the role of the K–12 teachers given changes in technology and increased use of online teaching.

COMPLETION:  December 2019

Author: Urban Teacher Program Manager
Last modified: 1/13/2023 3:40 PM (EDT)