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As I stated before currently I am seeking a degree in Business Administration with a concentration in Information Systems and Cyber Security. I have taken many courses at Longwood University that help enhance the skills that I have learned. I have really enjoyed all of the classes that I have taken in the business school at Longwood University and feel that they will help me reach my desired job in the future.  Below I have given what my course load has been like for the past two years at Longwood University. 

At the beginning of my college career, I was seeking a degree in Chemistry. I soon changed my mind after I held a position with Night Vision in Northern Virginia, and changed my major to Business Administration. So my first two years at Longwood are full of Chemistry courses that are no longer relevant, but I changed my major at the right time. I am able to graduate on time with all the hard, long hours I put forth over summer and winter breaks to catch up on courses that I needed to graduate. 

Fall Semester 2013

   Course Number                  Course Name     # of credits
ACCT 242Principles of Accounting II3
ACCT 296Legal Environment3
ISYS 272Intro to Business Programming3
MANG 291Business Communication3
SPAN 105Intensive I-II Spanish5


Spring Semester 2014

     Course Number                Course Name     # of credits
ECON 319International Economics3
FINA 350Principles of Finance3
ISYS 376Cyber Security3
ISYS 473Network Communications3
MANG 360Principles of Management3
MANG 380Principles of Marketing3


Fall Semester 2014

     Course Number               Course Name     # of credits
ISYS 373Database Management3
ISYS 377Cyber Forensics3
ISYS 495Special Topics: Cyber War3
MANG 363Intro to Mngmt Science3
MANG 391Professional Skills Dvlpmnt1
MANG 474Mng Bus Ethics & Diversity3


Spring Semester 2015

     Course Number                  Course Name      # of credits
ISYS 471Intro Systems Analysis & Desig3
ISYS 475Web Programming3
ISYS 476Adv Topics Cyber Security3
MANG 497Business Strategy3


               Longwood University

                                                  Longwood University

Author: Brittney M. Baker
Last modified: 3/31/2015 10:37 AM (EDT)