Teacher Education Endorsement Documentation

Home > Exceptional Child Generalist (Special Education)

Exceptional Child Generalist (Special Education)

Standards Acc. 2022

Idaho Standards for Exceptional Child Generalists

Endorsement Overview

(45 credit) Exceptional Child Generalist K-12

(20 credit) Exceptional Child Generalist K-12

2018-19 Course Catalog

Performance Evidence - Portfolio Guide

Faculty members identified evidence from the endorsement program to support the standards.

SPED Portfolio Guide (Taskstream)

SPED Assessmetn Portfolio Aligned to Core and SPED Standards (GDoc)

Crosswalk - inTASC and SPED standards

Course Evidence and Standards Alignment Matrix (GSheet)

Assessment Reports (password protected)

Knowledge Documentation Collection

The repository for documentation is ISU Box.com. Select the appropriate evidence type below and attach the documents to an email. Please submit below.


NOTE: Please see the FAQ for problems uploading.

Upload advising documentation or other knowledge evidence 

View documentation

Author: ISU College of Education Manager
Last modified: 5/23/2022 8:47 PM (EDT)