ISU Course Catalog for required courses and course descriptions:
Physical Education K-12 (45 credit)
The Physical Education Endorsements K-12 (45 credits) prepare teacher candidates to teach physical education and management. The program objectives are as follows:
Objective 1: Develop teaching skills in a variety of physical activities (10 credits)
Objective 2: Understand the basic foundations of human activity (10 credits)
Objective 3: Develop skills required for teaching physical education (9 credits)
Objective 4: Understand and develop general pedagogical skills and teacher effectiveness (14 credits)
Physical Education Faculty work with the TES faculty to ensure physical education teacher candidates are adequately prepared in the content area pedagogy and foundational pedagogy (see Foundational Course Work). Physical Education Faculty regularly ensure physical education required curricula and content adheres to state and national physical education standards and emerging technology/content is integrated into classes. Faculty also ensure our candidates are familiar with and participate in state and nationally sponsored teacher initiatives and conferences including the National Association of Sport and Physical Education (NASPE).
First-time Pass Rate
Praxis II First-time Pass Rate | AY 2018-19 | AY 2019-20 | AY 2020-21 | AY 2021-22 |
5091 | 13/13 (100.0%) | 6/6 (100.0%) | 6/6 (100.0%) | 3/* (*) |
* No data are displayed because the examinees count is fewer than 5.
HPSS 2222 First Aid, CPR, and Sport Safety
HPSS 2223 Foundations of Physical Education and Sport
HPSS 2243 Anatomical Foundations of Physical Activity
HPSS 2237 Activity Performance Techniques
PEAC 1170 A OR 1170B Aquatics
PEAC 1155 A OR 1158/1159 Field Based Sports and Activities
PEAC 1151A OR 1156A OR 1157A Court Based Sports and Activities
PEAC 1122A OR 1132A OR 1175A Lifetime Sports and Activities
HPSS 2281 Practical Outdoor Skills
HPSS 3357 Methods of Teaching Elementary Physical Education
HPSS 3370 Care and Prevention of Athletic Injuries
HPSS 4437 Methods of Teaching Secondary Physical Education
HPSS 3300 Movement Theory and Motor Development
HPSS 3303 Kinesiology for Teachers and Coaches
HPSS 4494 Adapted Physical Education
HPSS 3362 Tests and Measurements in Physical Education
HPSS 4475 Organization and Administration of PE and Sport Programs
HPSS 3322 Sport Psychology , OR HPSS 3364 Introduction to Sports Law
The repository for documentation is Google Drive. The following pieces of evidence are needed for each course listed in the 45-credit endorsement:
Syllabi for most recent semester
Course calendar with topics (can be screenshots of Moodle course)
Final exam, paper, project, or equivalent measure of student knowledge
Assessment Reports (password protected)
Evidence Type/Name | Rationale |
Standard 1: Learner Development. The teacher understands how learners grow and develop, recognizing that patterns of learning and development vary individually within and across the cognitive, linguistic, social, emotional, and physical areas, and designs and implements developmentally appropriate and challenging learning experiences. | |
Course syllabi from all PEAC plus HPSS 2243, HPSS 2237, HPSS 3357, HPSS 4437, HPSS 4494 Link to Course Descriptions in 2021-22 Academic Catalog unit/lesson plan, peer teaching, participation and observation, reflection assignments (HPSS 2237, 3357, 4437) Education Foundational Courses: EDUC 2201, EDUC 2204, EDUC 3308, EDUC 3302, EDUC 3311, SPED 3350, EDUC 4408, EDUC 4493 | PEAC courses provide students with sport and activity histories plus foundational background (rules, equipment, skills, and strategy) necessary for success when teaching methodology courses. HPSS 2243 provides students with a scientific foundation of movement. Students learn about and are assessed on the major organ systems of the body and the musculoskeletal system. Students must describe how those systems are functionally affected by physical activity (exams, quizzes, worksheets). Students in HPSS 2237, 3357, 4437, and 4494 engage in lesson planning and peer instruction activities to simulate the PE environment. Students must demonstrate ability to design developmentally appropriate instruction through stepwise sequences. Through collaboration with peers and observation, students learn to better appreciate the role and value of PE and physical activity. Foundational Course Work addresses how learners grow and develop (EDUC 2201), including individual differences (SPED 3350). |
Standard 2: Learning Differences. The teacher candidate uses understanding of individual differences and diverse cultures and communities to ensure inclusive learning environments that enable each learner to meet high standards. | |
Course syllabi from HPSS 3300, HPSS 3357, HPSS 4437, HPSS 4494 Link to Course Descriptions in 2021-22 Academic Catalog “Theoretical Constructs” assignment (HPSS 3300) “Accessibility Project” assignment; written reflection papers, exams (HPSS 4494) unit/lesson plan, peer teaching, participation and observation, reflection assignments (HPSS 2237, 3357, 4437) | HPSS 3300 stresses differences in motor behavior and learning and requires students to recognize and design basic mechanical sequences involved in the execution of a fundamental motor skill Students in HPSS 3357, 4437, and 4494 require students to integrate knowledge of ways to address motor differences in PE lesson planning and teaching in simulated PE environments. Students in HPSS 4494 specifically address lesson planning and class management for populations with special needs, including intellectual and physical disabilities. |
Standard 3: Learning Environments. The teacher candidate works with others to create environments that support individual and collaborative learning, and that encourage positive social interaction, active engagement in learning, and self-motivation. | |
Course syllabi from HPSS 2222, HPSS 2223, HPSS 2237, HPSS 2243, HPSS 2281, HPSS 3303, HPSS 3322, HPSS 3357, HPSS 4437, HPSS 4494 Link to Course Descriptions in 2021-22 Academic Catalog “The Value of Movement” assignment (HPSS 2223) “Game Development” assignment (HPSS 2237) Lesson plan and peer teaching/observation assignments (HPSS 2237, 2281, 3357, 4437, 4494) “Forum Posts and Comments”), and group collaboration; “Engagement/Participation” (HPSS 3322) “Spark Video Assignment” reinforces application of mental skills (HPSS 3322) | HPSS 2223 requires students to explore the role of PE in schools and how that role promotes personal and social growth. Students in this class demonstrate understanding through reflective exercise. HPSS 2222 and 2243 introduce students to basic technology used during physical activity. This includes heart rate monitors. HPSS 2237, 2281, 3357, 4437, and 4494 require students to demonstrate understanding of effective PE and physical activity management practices (lesson plans, peer teaching assignments), and to create an inclusive, caring, and cooperative learning environment. Lesson plans in all classes must demonstrate appropriate use of technology (computer software). HPSS 2237 encourages individual and group creative expression and collaboration through physical activity. HPSS 2281 stresses suggestions and guidance for a physically active lifestyle through an appreciation of outdoor activities and skills. The course also integrates instruction on the proper use of outdoor activity technology, including GPS tracking devices and electronic mapping devices. HPSS 3322 focuses on psychosocial factors that influence people in physical activity settings. Topics covered include feedback, reinforcement, motivation, self-confidence, arousal, stress, anxiety, concentration, group and team dynamics/cohesion, and character development. Assessment strategies utilize exams/quizzes, reflection |
Standard 4: Content Knowledge. The teacher understands the central concepts, tools of inquiry, and structures of the discipline(s) he or she teaches and creates learning experiences that make the discipline accessible and meaningful for learners to assure mastery of the content. | |
Course syllabi from all PEAC plus HPSS 2223, HPSS 2237, HPSS 3357, HPSS 4437, HPSS 4494 Link to Course Descriptions in 2021-22 Academic Catalog “Goals”, “Papers”, “Interviews and Presentation” (HPSS 2223) unit/lesson plan, peer teaching, participation and observation assignments (HPSS 2237, 3357, 3362, 4437, 4494) | PEAC courses provide students with sport and activity histories plus foundational background (rules, equipment, skills, and strategy) necessary for success when teaching methodology courses. HPSS 2223 requires students to explore the history and role of PE in schools. Students in this class demonstrate understanding through reflective exercise. Students in HPSS 2237, 3357, 4437, and 4494 create lesson plans and complete peer teaching and “Peer Reflection” assignments that incorporate central concepts. Students completing these assignments must also incorporate assessment strategies to evaluate students on content mastery. “Observation” assignments in HPSS 3357 and 4437 place students in schools and alongside certificated teachers and actual students in an attempt to familiarize the students with the educational setting and with modes of course preparation, course management, disciplinary practices. |
Standard 5: Application of Content. The teacher candidate understands how to connect concepts and use differing perspectives to engage learners in critical thinking, creativity, and collaborative problem solving related to authentic local and global issues. | |
Course syllabi from all PEAC plus HPSS 2223, HPSS 2243, HPSS 2237, HPSS 3303, HPSS 3357, HPSS 4437, HPSS 4494 Link to Course Descriptions in 2021-22 Academic Catalog Reflective exercise (HPSS 2223) exams, quizzes, and worksheets (HPSS 2243, 3303) “Psychomotor Assignment”, “Cognitive Assignment”, “Lesson Plan” (HPSS 3330, 3362) unit/lesson plan, peer teaching, participation and observation assignments (HPSS 2237, 3357, 3362, 4437, 4494) | PEAC courses provide students with an foundation of knowledge related to team- and individual-based sports and activities. This knowledge can be integrated within instruction to encourage individuals to be physically active for life. Students must choose at least one PEAC course from each of the following areas: aquatics, field-based sports/activities, court-based sports/activities, and lifetime sports/activities. HPSS 2223 explores the history and role of PE as an academic discipline. Students in this class demonstrate understanding through reflective exercise. HPSS 2243 provides students with a scientific foundation of movement. Students learn about and are assessed on the major organ systems of the body and the musculoskeletal system. Students must describe how those systems are functionally affected by physical activity. HPSS 2243 and 3303 apply anatomical function to PE and physical activity. Students are assessed on their understanding of the role and function of body systems (internal and musculoskeletal) and must identify and demonstrate various fundamental movement patterns (planes and axes) involved with human movement (biomechanics). HPSS 3330 and 3362 target the health outcomes of physical activity as they relate to motor learning. Cognitive and psychomotor assessment practices are reinforced through lesson planning in HPSS 3362 Students in HPSS 2237, 3357, 4437, and 4494 create lesson plans and complete peer teaching assignments that incorporate central concepts. Students completing these assignments must also incorporate assessment strategies to evaluate students on content mastery. Psychosocial interactions and dimensions are stressed throughout each of these curricula via peer teaching and group assignments. Foundational knowledge acquired in HPSS 3322 assists with this effort. |
Standard 6: Assessment. The teacher candidate understands and uses multiple methods of assessment to engage learners in their own growth, to monitor learner progress, and to guide the teacher’s and learner’s decision making. | |
Course syllabi from HPSS 2237, HPSS 3357, HPSS 4437, HPSS 4494, HPSS 3300, HPSS 3362 Link to Course Descriptions in 2021-22 Academic Catalog “Unit Assignments”, exams, labs, “Physical Development Assignment”, “Psychosocial and Social-Affective Development Assignment” (HPSS 3330) unit/lesson planning, and personal reflection assignments (HPSS 3357, 4437, 4494) | HPSS 3330 requires students to identify principles of motor development and apply them to the learning and teaching of motor skill. Students also recognize and design basic mechanical sequences involved in the execution of a fundamental motor skill, identify normal patterns of physical grown and biological maturation, and assess the influence of physical growth and maturation on the motor behavior of children. The focus of HPSS 3362 is to introduce students to a variety of resources (tests and measurements) that can be utilized for PE assessment. Students in HPSS 2237, 3357, 4437, and 4494 create lesson plans and complete peer teaching assignments that incorporate central concepts learned in HPSS 2243 (heart rate), 3330 (motor learning), and 3362 (tests and measurements for cognitive and motor skills). Students completing these assignments must also incorporate assessment strategies to evaluate students on content mastery. HPSS 4494 specifically addresses teaching and assessment strategies for students needing adaptations due to intellectual and/or physical disabilities. |
Standard 7: Planning for Instruction. The teacher candidate plans instruction that supports every student in meeting rigorous learning goals by drawing upon knowledge of content areas, curriculum, cross- disciplinary skills, and pedagogy, as well as knowledge of learners and the community context. | |
Course syllabi from HPSS 2237, HPSS 2281, HPSS 3303, HPSS 3357, HPSS 4437, HPSS 4494 Link to Course Descriptions in 2021-22 Academic Catalog lesson planning, peer teaching, participation, observation, and personal reflection assignments (HPSS 3357, 4437, 4494) | Students in HPSS 2237, 3357, 4437, and 4494 create lesson plans and complete peer teaching assignments. Students explore a myriad of activities and games in their PEAC classes and also in HPSS 2237. Students are first introduced to lesson planning in HPSS 2237 and must consider sequential (transitional) skill development in a variety of activity/game settings (includes staff, environment, and equipment considerations). As an active participant in lessons taught by classmates, students are exposed to additional methods and activities/games. Students in HPSS 3357 and 4437 create more in-depth lesson plans to detail instructional strategies, goals, and assessment procedures. The creation of cross-disciplinary lesson plans is encouraged in each of these Methods courses. Creating and nurturing a desire to be physically fit or physically engaged for life is emphasized in all instruction. |
Standard 8: Instructional Strategies. The teacher candidate understands and uses a variety of instructional strategies to encourage learners to develop deep understanding of content areas and their connections, and to build skills to apply knowledge in meaningful ways. | |
Course syllabi from all PEAC plus HPSS 2237, HPSS 3357, HPSS 4437, HPSS 4494 Link to Course Descriptions in 2021-22 Academic Catalog lesson planning, peer teaching, participation, observation, and personal reflection assignments (HPSS 3357, 4437, 4494) Outdoor skills assessment (HPSS 2281) Lesson planning, peer teaching, activity participation and observation (HPSS 2237) lesson planning, peer teaching, observation, and personal reflection assignments (HPSS 3357, 4437, 4494) | PEAC courses and HPSS 2237 develop students’ understanding of a myriad of options available for PE instruction (field-based sports and activities, court-based sports and activities, games, lifetime sports). To demonstrate knowledge of various curricular/instruction models, students in HPSS 2237, 3357, 4437, and 4494 create unit plans, lesson plans and complete peer teaching assignments. Knowledge of educational learning theory serves as a foundation for these assignments. |
Standard 9: Professional Learning and Ethical Practice. The teacher candidate engages in ongoing professional learning and uses evidence to continually evaluate his/her practice, particularly the effects of his/her choices and actions on others (learners, families, other professionals, and the community), and adapts practice to meet the needs of each learner. | |
Course syllabi from HPSS 2237, HPSS 3357, HPSS 3300, HPSS 3362, HPSS 4437, HPSS 4494 Link to Course Descriptions in 2021-22 Academic Catalog “Philosophy of Physical Education” (HPSS 2223) “Unit Assignments”, exams, labs, “Physical Development Assignment” (HPSS 3330) lesson planning, peer teaching, observation, and personal reflection assignments (HPSS 3357, 4437, 4494) “Self Assessment” (HPSS 4437) | HPSS 2223 requires students to explore the ethical practice of PE. Students in this class demonstrate understanding through reflective exercise. HPSS 3330 requires students to identify principles of motor development and apply them to the learning and teaching of motor skill. Students also recognize and design basic mechanical sequences involved in the execution of a fundamental motor skill, identify normal patterns of physical grown and biological maturation, and assess the influence of physical growth and maturation on the motor behavior of children HPSS 2237, 3357, and 4437 stress the teaching of skillful movement. The “Self Assessment” assignment in HPSS 4437 challenges students to critically examine their own performance, while “Peer Assessments” allow them to critically evaluate others’. A “Philosophy of Physical Education” assignment challenges students to discover and describe their position on PE and the methods they use to motivate students. |
Standard 10: Leadership and Collaboration. The teacher candidate seeks appropriate leadership roles and opportunities to take responsibility for student learning, to collaborate with learners, families, colleagues, other school professionals, and community members to ensure learner growth, and to advance the profession. | |
Course syllabi from HPSS 2223, HPSS 3357, HPSS 4437, HPSS 4494 Link to Course Descriptions in 2021-22 Academic Catalog “Lesson Plan” (HPSS 2281) lesson planning, peer teaching, observation, and personal reflection assignments (HPSS 3357, 4437, 4494) | HPSS 2223 provides students with an understanding of the roles of history and philosophy in the development of PE and sport programs (ethics). Assignments require students to demonstrate understanding in the role of PE and the value of movement in the school setting. HPSS 2281 promotes lifetime physical activity (via outdoor recreation). Students are assessed via lesson plans, exam, and participation in activity. Through lesson planning, peer teaching, observation, and personal reflection assignments, students in HPSS 3357, 4437, and 4494 learn the educational value added by PE and must rationally advocate for the inclusion of PE to the K-12 curricula. |
EPP Safety Standard | |
Course syllabi from HPSS 2222, HPSS 2237, HPSS 2243, HPSS 3364, HPSS 3370, HPSS 3357, HPSS 4437, HPSS 4475, HPSS 4494 Link to Course Descriptions in 2021-22 Academic Catalog “Written examinations”, “Skill Assessments” (HPSS 2222) CPR certification (HPSS 2222) exams, quizzes, worksheets (HPSS 2243) Quizzes and “Injury Evaluation Labs” (HPSS 3370) lesson planning, peer teaching, observation, and personal reflection assignments (HPSS 3357, 4437, 4494) “Identification and Management of Risk”, “Risk Management Presentation”, and “Facility Inspection” assignments (HPSS 3364) “My Org” projects; “Career Path Connection Paper”; “Management Flow Chart”; “Mock Trial” (HPSS 4475) lesson planning, peer teaching, observation, and personal reflection assignments (HPSS 3357, 4437, 4494) | The HPSS 2222 and 3370 course descriptions and syllabi provide topics and content covered related to teaching students how to recognize and treat common injuries associated with PE and sport participation. HPSS 2222 incorporates basic life support, first aid, and adult and child CPR certification. HPSS 2222 also requires students to demonstrate appropriate emergency action planning. HPSS 3370 extends upon these skills by teaching students to recognize the physical and biomechanical forces that lead to injury (with a preventative emphasis). Assessment is both written and applied HPSS 2243 provides students with a scientific foundation of human movement. Students learn about and are assessed on the major organ systems of the body and the musculoskeletal system. Students must describe how those systems are functionally affected by physical activity ( HPSS 3370 additionally requires students to learn about the various mechanisms of injury and to demonstrate injury documentation procedures using the SOAP Notes formula. Hands-on “Injury Evaluation Labs” teach students to evaluate and treat common injuries sustained in physical activity and sport. HPSS 2237, 3357, 4437, and 4494 provide students with participatory and experiential teaching opportunities (peer teaching and classroom observation) for a variety of sports/activities/games. Lesson plan assignments and peer teaching require students to incorporate safety considerations related to individual skill development/mastery, equipment, facilities, attire, and weather. HPSS 2237 reinforces the need for and evaluates students on proper attire (“shoes” and “exercise clothing”) and on the use of “appropriate language”. HPSS 3364 and 4475 both explore risk management and legal/ethical responsibility in PE. In HPSS 3364, students are required to complete comprehensive risk management plans (to include facility inspections and identification of potential hazards). PE-Teaching students are asked to create plans specific to their chosen teaching environment (K-12) in an effort to reinforce the importance of creating safe learning environments (assessment through tests, HPSS 4475 students engage in an overview of the management of PE and sport programs. Instruction focuses on sociology and ethics, management concepts, fiscal considerations, curriculum development, evaluation, facilities, and legal aspects of PE and sport activity. Through instruction, students explore various theories related to PE management and leadership, and articulate legal, ethical, and sociological elements of relevance to PE management and administration. Documentation and implementation of all these tasks is expected in lesson planning and delivery (peer teaching) in HPSS 3357, 4437, and 4494. |
Standard 11: American Indian Tribes in Idaho. The teacher candidate should be able to distinguish between each of the federally recognized tribes with respect to the retention of their ancestral lands in Idaho: Coeur d’Alene Tribe, Kootenai Tribe of Idaho, Nez Perce Tribe, Shoshone-Bannock Tribes, and the Shoshone-Paiute Tribes. Teacher candidates build capacity in learners to utilize the assets that each learner brings to the learning community based on their backgrounds and experiences. | |
Action plan to be implemented in Fall 2022 | |
Standard 12: Code of Ethics for Idaho Professional Educators. The teacher candidate understands the Code of Ethics for Idaho Professional Educators and its place in supporting the integrity of the profession. | |
Action plan to be implemented in Fall 2022 | |
Standard 13: Digital Technology and Online Learning. The teacher candidate knows how to use digital technology to create lessons and facilitate instruction and assessment in face-to-face, blended, and online learning environments to engage students and enhance learning. | |
Action plan to be implemented in Fall 2022 |