Teacher Education Endorsement Documentation

Home > English Language Arts

English Language Arts

Standards Acc. 2016

Endorsement Overview

ISU recommends the following endorsements:

30 credit (English 5-9)

30 credit (English 6-12)

45 credit (English 6-12)

Course Catalog | Secondary Education


Performance Evidence

The teacher education program must ensure candidates are prepared to meet the Idaho Standards for Initial Certification of Professional School Personnel. Included in these standards are the Idaho Core Teaching Standards which all teachers must meet and specific foundation or enhancement standards specific to the discipline area the candidate is seeking endorsement.


Portfolio Guide

To show evidence of these standards, candidates will upload scored work into their Taskstream portfolio. To facilitate this, each faculty member is requested to remind teacher education candidates in their course to retain evaluated work and upload it into Taskstream. The following one-page document can be distributed to teacher education candidates as needed.


English One-page Portfolio Guide (view)


Program Standards Alignment

Faculty members from both the English and Teaching and Educational Studies departments worked to identify evidence from the endorsement program to support the standards.

Program alignment and assessment process working document (GDocs)

Course Evidence and Standards Alignment Matrix (.xlsx)


Enhancement Standards: Idaho Standards for English Language Arts Teachers (acc. 2016)
 Std 1Std 2Std 3Std 4Std 5Std 6Std 7Std 8Std 9Std 10
ENGL 2211   X      
ENGL 2257 X X      
ENGL 2267   X      
ENGL 2277   X      
ENGL 2280   XX     
ENGL 2281  XXX     
ENGL 3311   X      
ENGL 3327X  X      
ENGL 3356    X     
ENGL 4407XX X      
ENGL 4431    XXX   
ENGL 4433X X XXX   
ENGL 4465   X      
ENGL 4468   X      
ENGL 4476   X      
COE Pedagogy          
Student TeachingXXX XXXXXX


Knowledge Documentation Collection

The repository for documentation is ISU Box.com. Select the appropriate evidence type below and attach the documents to an email. Please submit below.


NOTE: Please see the FAQ for problems uploading.

Attach syllabi and assignment guidelines via email

Attach advising documentation or other knowledge evidence 

View documentation


Author: ISU College of Education Manager
Last modified: 5/23/2022 8:47 PM (EDT)