During this course, I learned to create different types of publications using Microsoft Publisher. I created many amazing projects such as a poster for advertising my future classroom website, a tri-fold brochure that gives tips to future teachers about how to beat the stress of the first year, a business card, a classroom letterhead, a homepage for my website, and even a sample email letter that I can send out to parents. This class has shown me that Publisher will be a great tool to use in my future classroom. While the focus of the course was using Microsoft Publisher, I was also able to participate in a service learning project at the Boy and Girls Club and create a WebQuest for my future classroom. To view the projects I created using Microsoft Publisher, please click on the links below:
While enrolled in my Computer Science course designed for future educators, I learned some great ways to use technology in my future classroom. I studied Microsoft programs like Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Access. I know that I will be able to apply aspects from all of those programs in my future teaching career. During the course I also learned how to create a WebQuest. A WebQuest is an assignment that is created for students so that they can use the internet to understand the lesson. I envision my students using WebQuests to discover new information about events and people in History. I was able to complete my service learning in a technology classroom during this class. After completing this course and my service learning I have become very aware of the importance of making sure that my understanding of technology is always current. Because of this, I plan on completing the necessary steps to receive technology credentials.
Graphics provided by personal clip art program, personal photograph, www.microsoft.com,and www.taskstream.com,