Garrett Miller's Professional Portfolio

Home > Domain IV > Artifact: Reflections on Teaching

Artifact: Reflections on Teaching

Domain 4a: Reflecting on Teaching
Magnifying Glass (Lg.) In this section I have attached all 5 of my reflections on teaching. I attempted to ensure that I aligned my reflections with the domains that are part of the SRU Framework for Teaching, the same domains included in this professional portfolio. By doing these reflections, I felt as if I was able to really take a step back and analyze the work I had been doing. It was rewarding in a sense, that I was able to see just how I was implementing a great deal of the "best practices" of secondary education. It was also beneficial to me as a professional, because I can look back to these reflections to help improve my instruction in the future. Please refer to the 5 attachments for further clarification. 
Author: Garrett Miller
Last modified: 11/24/2015 5:37 PM (EDT)