Completed Theses of M.S. Urban Education Degree Earners

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Blair Hanson

TITLE: Supporting Emergent Bilinguals in a Secondary Mathematics Classroom: An Extensive Review of the Literature

ABSTRACT:  In this thesis the following central question is explored: According to research, what challenges do emergent bilinguals face with curriculum, and what can secondary math teachers do to support them in understanding and mastering content? Findings show that there are thousands of sources outlining the challenges that emergent bilinguals face as students in monolingual classrooms, learning content and language simultaneously. Fewer sources are available for specific teaching methods for mathematics teachers alone, but research shows that supporting language development, valuing mathematics discourse, improving teacher empathy, and committing to culturally relevant teaching all have positive impacts on students’ mathematics performance, engagement, and motivation.  

COMPLETED:  November 2020

File Attachments:
  1. Blair Hanson_Thesis.pdf Blair Hanson_Thesis.pdf
Author: Urban Teacher Program Manager
Last modified: 1/13/2023 3:40 PM (EDT)