Completed Theses of M.S. Urban Education Degree Earners

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Samantha Pendragon

TITLE:  Queering History: How LGBTQ Representation Can Be Integrated in Minnesota High School Social Studies Classrooms

ABSTRACT:  The existing Minnesota state social studies standards for high school classes do not include references to LGBTQ history nor perspectives. Such a lack of inclusion within the standards has led to an absence of LGBTQ narratives within the curriculum itself and a shortage of teacher knowledge on the subject as a whole. This paper seeks to align LGBTQ history with culturally relevant pedagogy as a means of better serving Minnesotan youth. This is done by looking at ways in which Language Arts courses have implemented LGBTQ content and applying that knowledge to social studies courses. Additionally, the paper engages in Critical Discourse Analysis as a means of identifying standards that can be interpreted for LGBTQ inclusion and those that need revision. Supplemental curriculum was created alongside this thesis incorporating lessons, units, and resources to go along with the recommended standards. A link to said supplemental curriculum can be found in the appendix of this paper.

COMPLETED: December 2020

Author: Urban Teacher Program Manager
Last modified: 1/13/2023 3:40 PM (EDT)