Completed Theses of M.S. Urban Education Degree Earners

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Ciara Murphy

TITLE: Segregation in Schools: An Extensive Review Literature Review About Schools in the Minneapolis and St. Paul Metro Areas Segregating Students

ABSTRACT:  In 1954, the Supreme Court case of Brown V. Board of Education declared that segregation of schools is against the 14th amendment. Schools across the United States are required to desegregate with “all deliberate speed”. However, in today’s society, students are still experiencing racial segregation in schools. Segregation in Schools: An Extensive Review Literature Review About Schools in the Minneapolis and St. Paul Metro Areas Segregating Students focuses on racial segregation in the Minneapolis and St. Paul metro areas. It focuses on public, private, and charter schools, using extensive literature from academic writings and studies, trusted media outlets, and court cases that are still being battled in Minnesota to answer the question: “To what degree are schools in the Minneapolis and St. Paul metro area segregated?” This thesis will cover who is being segregated, how and why these students are being segregated, and will end by touching on what is being done to implement integration efforts that promote equity and inclusion within Twin City schools.

COMPLETED:  December 2019

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  1. Ciara Murphy Thesis.pdf Ciara Murphy Thesis.pdf
Author: Urban Teacher Program Manager
Last modified: 1/13/2023 3:40 PM (EDT)