Completed Theses of M.S. Urban Education Degree Earners

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Lynnea Waydula

Title: An Impossible Hurdle: An Extensive Review on Educational Barriers for Multilingual Learners with Disabilities

Abstract: Multilingual learners with disabilities, or dually-identified students, face many obstacles in their education. These students are more likely to remain in English language programs longer than their peers, resulting in diminished access to advanced content and higher chances of dropping out of high school. This extensive review of literature addresses the central question: What factors prevent dually-identified students from exiting English language programs and how can these barriers be addressed? This thesis analyzes five primary barriers which have been discussed by scholars, including delays in the identification of a disability, imperfect English Language Development (ELD) and Special Education (SPED) services, invalid and unreliable standardized assessments, reduced educational opportunities, and biased reclassification criteria. I then describe research-based solutions that could improve the outcome of multilingual learners with disabilities. Many of the proposed solution in this review require further study, as current research focuses on either multilingual learners or students with disabilities, and excludes duallyidentified students

Completed:  December 2021

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  1. Lynnea Waydula Thesis.pdf Lynnea Waydula Thesis.pdf
Author: Urban Teacher Program Manager
Last modified: 1/13/2023 3:40 PM (EDT)