Completed Theses of M.S. Urban Education Degree Earners

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Courtney Antone

Title:  Give MeTeaming or Get Me Out of Here: An Extensive Review of Literature on the Benefits of Interdisciplinary Teaming for Students and Teachers

Abstract: In today’s modern school system in the United States, there is a bi-fold retention issue concerning students and teachers. These issues stem from a shortage of connection, a surplus of isolation, and generally harmful working and learning conditions. Students and teachers, especially students and teachers of color, are being pushed out of schools at significant rates. To combat the conditions that make this retention issue a reality, interdisciplinary teaming should be utilized. This programmatic strategy offers an abundance of benefits to students and teachers alike, including the development of a sense of belonging, increased engagement, reduced isolation, and increased retention, among others. In order for these benefits to manifest, however, implementation strategies are key. This thesis, guided by the question: “What are the benefits of interdisciplinary teaming for urban high school teachers and students, and what can educators and schools do to increase the likelihood of such effects?” is an exploration of research literature about the benefits and implementation necessities for successful interdisciplinary teaming as well as limitations and related areas for further study.

Completed: November 2021

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  1. Courtney Antone Thesis.pdf Courtney Antone Thesis.pdf
Author: Urban Teacher Program Manager
Last modified: 1/13/2023 3:40 PM (EDT)