Danah Browns Presentation Portfolio

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Video Production

Danah Brown

Context: We did this video production in technology class (CI3750) with Jeff Goodman during the month of October. We worked as a group Holly Lemly, Amber Benfield, Natalie Brown and myself. We made a movie based on the book "Al Capone Does My Shirts".

Impact: This will help me in teaching by allowing me to film and produce short films for the classroom that involve students or teachers. These films can be used in cooperation with a language lesson based on a book or a social studies lesson based on reenactment of certain events in history and with many other subjects that can be integrated with it as well.

Alignment: NETS I - B    This project helps to demonstrate continual growth in technology by the use of film equipment and imovies to produce the film; also the use of different ways to use the camera, edit films and add special effects for the movie.

NETS II - D  This project helps with the management of technology resources within the context of learning activities by sharing resources with other groups and checking out, taking care and using equipment. In this environment their are not enough pieces of equipment for everyone to have or use so the items are shared through a system of checking them out,etc. Another form of management is within groups where each person takes on a specific job and follows through.

NETS VI - B  This project applies technology resources to enable and empower learners with diverse backgrounds, characteristics and abilities by the showing of the movie itself they can for the most part all understand what is going on in the film. As for the use of the equipment most of it is easy for all backgrounds to use and language can be adjusted as well as the ease or difficulty of a project.

  1. Al Capone Video Al Capone Video ( 5.5 MB )
Author: Danah Brown
Last modified: 4/10/2006 10:02 AM (EDT)